The Canvas Grey

Inspiration, Perspective, Insight

Choices, Perceptions and the Pursuit of Happiness

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on February 23, 2008


I have a friend who is into astrology (love you girl) and she tells me from time to time what the planets have in mind for me.  I have to say that I’ve been very impressed with the information she’s given me over the last year or so.  We talked recently and the news from her wasn’t what I’d hoped for as to the alignment of “my” planets.  Suffice it to say that it seems as though my state of affairs will continue in a “not so great cycle” until next year.  Great!  When I was so full of hope and looking brightly into 2008 as the year of reclaiming myself!

Well then, maybe I’ll tempt the planets and choose for 2008 to be great as I concentrate on the great things I already have instead of letting the planets kick my ass for another year. 

Really…how can things be so bad as long as I’m alive, relatively healthy and have my family?  Sure some things come along now and then and I “give-in” to a day on the couch or an afternoon nap.  But really…what are a few days of being Debbie Downer when I know she will dissipate quickly and easily and hopefully for GOOD when 2009 rolls around?  I am human after all, right?  Yes, I’m human!  😉   

I’ve been on a quest, looking to find my next career path.  What would God have me do?  I worked for over 20 years in finance and HR so I relished the chance to make a major career change nine years ago and DIY at home with the kids.  The chance to instill the love of learning in my preschool aged kids. I’ve had nothing but pleasure in helping them learn to read and write well above age level while stirring their souls with music, art and imagination. I believe I’ve given a great gift to them, their future teachers as well as myself.  They have a true love of learning, it is my prayer that it will translate and continue!  I’m sure it will.

In the autumn of 2008 my youngest will embark on his formal education in kindergarten. I will be taking that next year to discover what God has in store for me as I begin the search for my third career.  While waiting and listening I’m engaged with my family and their happenings, on the PTA committee, scrap-booking memories for my family, eBaying occasionally and blogging for myself.  My purpose of blogging is to stir my soul, express myself in writing and create a history of thought to leave for my kids and their kids and so on. 

God has been giving me hints as to what is next along the way.  I’ve been patient, I’m listening.  What have I been hearing and understanding?  To start out small and let it grow.  No “big splash” or fancy diving that produces big ripples that quickly land on the shore.  Instead start from the shallows, learn to swim and then you can be steady and confident as you swim the unimaginable lengths before you. 

Thank you God!  Thank you!  I wonder what beauty is around that bend.


Photos by Kobster & JBurton

5 Responses to “Choices, Perceptions and the Pursuit of Happiness”

  1. Angie said

    I can think of no better thing than what you have done with your children. They will be grateful too for the life you have provided for them. There really is no sacrifice when the goal is pushed by love and God’s will.

    I know there will be good things coming for you with your attitude and outlook.

    I love the photo above. I would love to have a place where I could look out and see such a beautiful view. Kind of stirs the soul.

  2. Thanks so much, Angie. From time to time I do question whether being at home is better than out making money. So I appreciate the reinforcement. In the end I know that I’ve done what I’m supposed to do. Money isn’t everything. Time is our most precious gift. The pic is beautiful.

  3. Don’t let the planets kick your ass, CG! LOL! This post is very inspirational/reinforcing to me, too. I’m so glad you shared your thoughts.

  4. We need to do that FW for each other now and again. Everything around me says we (my family) are “out” because I’m caring for our children at home instead of bringing in money by working 8 to 5. I KNOW my children would suffer if I was working right now. Kudos to you and me and everyone who does with less to provide MORE for our kids!

  5. […] blog that it’s difficult to choose just one, but a good all rounder would be her post called “Choices, Perceptions and the pursuit of Happiness.” Also if you are new to blogging then this is a very “useful page” that I could have […]

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