The Canvas Grey

Inspiration, Perspective, Insight

I Can Change Myself…REALLY!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on July 18, 2013

I’m of a mind that nothing stands between me and what I want except for the fear it may not work or change things so drastically that I’ll be “sorry”…so I decided to change my perception.  I realized that the experience of trying and dealing with anything that could happen sure beats the feeling of never going for it and wishing that I did.  So now when I feel less than worthy, feel nervous, feel unsure, I transmute that energy and thinking to…What can I do to make this an opportunity for something I REALLY want!    This has gotten me through many things that I (and others) have perceived as devastating or situations that were hurtful at the time.  Another thing, for me that is important, is to give myself time to process these devastating, hurtful, unexpected changes (which come to everyone).  I changed myself and perceive the best outcome for everyone (myself included), this has never let me down.

Hope that makes sense and that in some way it can help you too!

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