The Canvas Grey

Inspiration, Perspective, Insight

When Weary

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on September 5, 2009

A recent, follow-up colonoscopy and more surgery by the same doctor that found the bone tumor two years ago (see Journey of Learning first tab) reveals need for another surgery. This time a wonderful surgeon I met with here locally will be removing 3 to 5 inches of small intestine and 1/3 of my large intestine along with surround lymph nodes. Things will still work the same, I’ll just be a little lighter; this is a bad way to lose weight! Ha!

A dear friend of mine has been through quite a lot herself and she sent me an email about being weary. I’ve included an excerpt from the email because I believe it was inspired by God for comfort for anyone who reads it. Because I do feel a little weary; then I remember that we all have our life journey, we all have a different and deeply personal experience with God. It is our choice, complete freedom of choice and if that doesn’t speak volumes about our God then I couldn’t imagine what would, He loves us that much.

May God’s will be done! Excerpt:

I know what you mean about becoming weary and this is when we will lean on God because He is our true strength. God can perform miracles when we let go and let God. I know that no matter what happens we can overcome it to His Glory and for His purpose. I’m not afraid but I’m not ready to part this place just yet. I still believe there is great work to be done by you and me and others like us. We are in the world but not of it. That can be so very hard. It can be burdensome to be strong all the time. Even Jesus felt the burden and didn’t understand. We are human and don’t understand it all but we do know the wonder of God…how awesome is that? How awesome to KNOW GOD!!!! WOW! Getting tears in my eyes, if we even thought about it very long we would be on our faces night and day in awe and praise. We could be that humble about it all but we are so blessed to be able to live and walk in Him. So that His work can be done as He calls us to do it.

I’m just glad He calls me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 Responses to “When Weary”

  1. gr8tful said

    My dearest friend, sorry I have been awol for sometime.
    I wanted you to know I think of you daily and I pray
    much more then that for you! You are such a special
    friend and I am so honored to have you in my life!
    The Lord has given you a dream, and he loves you so
    very much. Take care and let me know how you are
    doing. Sending you all my love, hugs and prayers!!!

  2. I’m honored and humbled by your love and thoughtfulness and friendship. I pray and think of you so often too. I’m sending you something via email soon. Love to you!

  3. gr8tful said

    Hey sweet loving dear friend of mine! You are
    such a blessing to me and I wish you the best
    weekend the Lord can give you! You bring out
    the best in me and I just wish we could actually
    get together!! Love ya!!

  4. exemployee said

    hi. i have been trying to find out here angie is. she the blogsite i have noticed that she hasn’t posted or been to her site in quite awhile and am worried about her. do you know anything? if you do, let her know that exemployee is thinking about her. she has been in my prayers.


  5. Hi Tina Marie,

    I wish I could tell you. Please let me know about her if you find out! I’ve been praying for her. I hope she is well and just busy, that is my prayer! Deb

  6. gr8tful said

    Hi my dear, just wanted to let you know I still stop by from time to time! Love ya!

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