The Canvas Grey

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Posts Tagged ‘mega churches’

Mega Churches, What have they become?

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 27, 2008

Mega church, I used to think, was a place where some real people were worshiping God and helping each other understand how to make it in the world that we are IN but not OF. 

After all the commotion in the 1980s with the “mega” stars of church, scandals, backstabbing, (all of which I saw at a local level too) I was so turned off I left churches completely.  I retrieved into my spirit, looking to God to guide me. Yes, I did (still do) lean upon my own understanding with an open mind as to others thoughts and feelings on matters of the spirit and other things then I look to God to show me.  After all, HE knows me BEST. 

Milkinthecloset re-introduced me to what is going on in mega churches.  During Christmas I saw on TV a man defending why his mega church had such elaborate stage shows.  They explained that the shows raise millions and cost about one million to be put together.  Let’s call it as it is, these are Broadway shows with a religious twist.  People go to those churches so they or family can be on stage and use it for a resume. Okay, not ALL of them, some of them just want some entertainment in a religious setting.

It’s like, God isn’t big enough (have you seen the structure of a seed that grows into a huge tree, the Andromeda galaxy, your unique fingerprint?), we need to make Him “viable” to today’s “entertain me” world. 

Think the stage isn’t set?  Seems very easy for me to see His Son walking into a mega church saying the same thing He did more than 2000 years ago when He walked in a synagogue. 

Things that make me go hmm!

Call me a skeptic or maybe that just isn’t the life for me.  If and when I’m called back to a church I seriously doubt it will be a mega church.  But then again God may call me to be an undercover spy.

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Dreams, Family, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Religion, Spirituality | Tagged: , , , , , | 9 Comments »