The Canvas Grey

Inspiration, Perspective, Insight

Archive for the ‘Media’ Category

Happy Independence Day – Let Freedom Ring!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on July 4, 2010

Would you please tell us something about you and your site?

My site is The Canvas Grey. ( The name was inspired by a dream.  I believe I was healed by God and wanted to let as many people know for His Glory.  It is difficult to imagine that I could ever, ever talk about it enough or be thankful enough.  So I blog about my experiences, both success and failure, to help others who may find themselves needing more information, guidance or just a laugh.   

God is so great, so much more than we can understand.  I believe He is more than any religion or book and He can speak to each of us as individuals in ways that are completely unique to each of us.  His Greatness cannot be hidden or bound.

Do you feel that you continue to grow in your writing the longer you write? Why is that important to you?
I haven’t thought much about whether I’ve grown as a writer or that it was important to me.  I mostly feel compelled to write about something and then set about doing it.  There is no doubt that some of my posts are inspired and they are easy to see; my journey of learning, plowing around the stump for examples.  I’m a deep thinker and when God gives me insight I want to share that for others to let God work through it if He desires to do so.

I’m wondering what some of your memorable experiences are with blogging?
My memorable experiences are all about the inspiration and compelled writing plus the interaction with others.

What do you think is the most exciting or most innovative use of technology in politics right now?
Using the internet to get passed the two minute sound bites that the main media WANT us to see or hear.  I want to know in-depth information about past, present and plans for the future on all the political players.  I think the internet should remain uncensored and ungoverned to allow real freedom of speech and exchange of ideas.

Do you think that these new technologies are effective in making people more responsive?
I think more people feel free to express themselves and have a place to say what they want and exchange ideas, thoughts, experiences, etc.  I think more than that the internet provides a platform for anyone who can get to the internet to tell their story or a story they believe is important AND to tell it without edit or censorship.

What do you think sets Your site apart from others?
I am a unique individual that has much in common with other unique individuals.

If you could choose one characteristic you have that brought you success in life, what would it be?
Believing the best of intentions from others and yourself.

What was the happiest and gloomiest moment of your life?
I speak of this in my Journey of Learning at my blog as they are both on the day I was healed.

Do you think [the use of Twitter and other social networking tools by politicians] is bandwagon jumping or what?
I have to say a direct YES to this question.  Unfortunately politicians seem to be nothing more than advertisers trying to grasp at every last pair of eyes and ears no matter what it takes or what avenue pop culture would have them travel.  That does NOT speak to me as “being a leader” but more as a follower of trends. 

If you could pick a travel destination, anywhere in the world, with no worries about how it’s paid for – what would your top 3 choices be?
Alaska, South America, Europe and the rest of the world, then the moon, planets, other galaxies and beyond.

What is your favorite book and why?
There is no way I could ever pick a favorite book or favorite anything.  How could I pick just one of anything when God has made/inspired so much.

What’s the first thing you notice about a person (whether you know them or not)?
Their expression.

Is there anyone from your past that once told you you couldn’t write?
No.  I was told at a young age by a teacher that I wasn’t an artist.  But she was wrong.

How bloggers can benefit from blogs financially?
I think others could answer this much better than I.

Is it true that who has a successful blog has an awful lot of time on their hands?
If research is required or one keeps up a post a day (or more) then blogging can become time consuming.  I imagine the most successful blogs (that are more than pictures) are very time consuming as they must keep readers coming back AND attracting new readers.

What are your thoughts on corporate blogs and what do you think the biggest advantages and disadvantages are?
It would depend upon the size but by far the biggest advantages for corporate blogs would be communications…easy, fast, far reaching; the disadvantage would be cumbersome, too many responses or ideas or the need to dedicate one person to the blog.

What role can bloggers of the world play to make this world more friendlier and less hostile?
Communicating with each other expecting, projecting the best intentions.  I think we as human beings will find that no matter what part of the world we live in the we are more alike than different; to make a way in this world for our family and friends to be together and rejoice in our love for one another and God.  We share a marvelous place in the universe and it is a privilege to share it together.

Who are your top five favourite bloggers?
I really don’t mean to be obnoxious I just can’t pick favorites.  There are just too many favorites to list in just five. 

Is there one observation or column or post that has gotten the most powerful reaction from people?
There are several but if you are interested to know which is the most read it would be about my experience in a multi-level-marketing company.  Closely followed by my experience discovering that depression and low iron (anemia) have very similar symptoms.

What is your perception about Pakistan and its people?
I have a perception of the country and then my experience of the people here in the United States.  Since most of the perceptions are via people who have agendas (the media, the politicians, etc.) I base my facts on my own interactions.  I must say that I’ve found people of/from Pakistan to be more like me than different.  I also must tell you that one of my doctors is from Pakistan.  He is a doctor who I can say truly listens to me, treats me with great kindness and respect.  I pray for him to be happy as he is truly a great man in my eyes.

Have you ever become stunned by the uniqueness of any blogger?
Twice I could use the word stunned to describe my reaction to reading a blog and been interested reading/trying to understand them/their writings more in depth.  Disgusted is a word I’ve experienced more often than stunned.  BY FAR I’ve had completely positive experiences in blogging and reading other blogs.

What is the most striking difference between a developed country and a developing country?
The amount of food, clothing, shelter and ways to make a life for a family.

What is the future of blogging?
My guess is it will stay the same for quite some time.

You have also got a blogging life, how has it directly affected both your personal and professional life?
There have been positive; expression, helping others, learning new things, connecting with others AND negative; some time away from family and other projects yet who doesn’t need a break every now and again?  🙂  Mostly I see the good of it when balanced.

What are your future plans?
To continue to seek what God has for me and my family because I know it is beyond my dreams, as He shows me consistently.  I plan to write more about that and to create a history of thought and pictures and understanding within my family, friends and others who touch my life as I touch their life.

Any Message you want to give to the readers of The Pakistani Spectator?
I can only see good from reaching out to one another in peace, understanding and our common bonds as people who are blessed to share the earth at the same time.  I believe that different cultures and diversity is a great thing in life.  We can  throw off hatred, apathy and indifference to enjoy one another.  Peace and happiness to you as you read.

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Figuring it out, Grow, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Politicians, Politics, prayer, Religion, Spirituality, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth | Leave a Comment »

Ringin IN 2010!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on January 4, 2010

I’m looking forward to a great 2010! 

I’ve heard that from nearly everyone I’ve gotten email from, talked to and seen on FB.  The excitement in the air about 2010 is palpable. 

I can’t remember when …well, yes I can, I think many people were so worried about Y2K and working their butts off in 1999 to prevent “the unspeakable horrors” the clock turning to 2000 could bring that everyone was looking forward to the “end” of what nightmares COULD happen. 

Maybe that was the start of all this doom and end of the world talk that seems to dominate everything these days.  It is (of course) at the movies, in the news, on all my favorite channels, History, Discovery, Science; whether they are talking about Nostradamus, the Holy Bible, the Mayan calendar or other forseers they want to use to prove the “disaster looming” point. 

The positive lesson to take from all this is … MAYBE…  all we have is today.

Today is the PRESENT so maybe we should treat it like a GIFT and ENJOY!

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Dreams, Figuring it out, Fun, Glow, Grow, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Nature, Politicians, Politics, Spirituality, Stress, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth | 2 Comments »

Walking with God…He teaches me to…

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on November 14, 2009

Spend time in love!
Walk in GRACE!
Lead with compassion!
Follow with humility!

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Dreams, Figuring it out, Fun, Glow, Grow, Health, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Miracles, Politicians, Politics, prayer, Religion, Spirituality, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , , | 1 Comment »

Escape and Release Your Gifts!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on June 8, 2009

Please don’t be so hard on yourself, others aren’t (at least people that really matter)!

Most of us struggle with self-consciousness issues. We can’t let that stop us!

I could name several people (who aren’t so nice) that are successful and put themselves out there all the time on TV and film. And then there are really nice people who give uplifting information and try to help (aka Oprah, if that end of the spectrum helps).

Those who know us know what we look like and still like or love us for the people we ARE!

Look at everyone around you that speaks well of you. bending over backwards to do so at times.  There is a large positive ripple effect there, why not be the stone that causes the ripple.

If all anyone cared about was what a person looked like then yikes, we’d all be like Hollywood…ick…what a depressing world that would be.  Picking each other apart instead of building each other up or working together.

Focus and capitalize on your strengths and forget about (what you perceive as) weaknesses…everyone wins that way! Why? You win and the people around you win because you share with them your gifts instead of coddling them in self-consciousness.

Sending love and good thoughts, Debi

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Children, Dreams, Figuring it out, Fun, Glow, Grow, Health, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Nature, Nutrition, prayer, Spirituality, Stay at Home Mom, Stress, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments »

For Terror or Worse…

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 24, 2009

I don’t mind someone running my name through a computer to see if I’m a terrorist…a murderer… or anything else illegal…unless…it is illegal to speak out about something…long pause

But after reports that Google and many other search engines keep all data and searches… Facebook wanting to keep all my information even if I delete my stuff…Facebook actually deleting an unfavorable comment I made last week….finding those New World Order videos just the other day (out of the blue…NOT looking for them), the constant yakity yak about globalization and now a benign referral to this video…it really makes one pause and wonder…


Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE tech!  I think this is remarkable technology and can be used to all kinds of good.  If only we could trust one another, ah yes, the ever elusive Utopia.

Databases…data being held about you from the time of your birth, where you are, etc. have been in existence for a long time…HOWEVER…it is getting easier, more people are selling their “proverbial souls” for the love and greed of money or power… AND (it is a big and too) “we the people” are sleeping…soundly, passively in our peaceful little worlds…it has happened before… more than once… recently… I pray it doesn’t happen again.  Then I realize I live in reality.

I’m truly not trying to be a fear-monger, the media does that well enough.  However, it isn’t like I’m out there looking for this stuff.   It comes to me, I share what I believe I’m to share.  Peace, love and joy to you.

Posted in Awareness, Figuring it out, Grow, Learn, Life, Links, Media, Miracles, Nature, Politicians, Politics, prayer, Religion, Shopping, Spirituality, Think about it, Trends, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »

RAnDom ThOUgHt

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 14, 2009

Oh Tae…here is a thought:


The “ME” generation turned their kids into the “WE” socialist generation so the “ME” generation could do anything they wanted to do and then the “ME” generation would be taken care of by the “We” generation.




Posted in Awareness, Children, Dreams, Family, Figuring it out, Games, Grow, Hope, Humor, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Miracles, Politicians, Politics, Religion, Think about it, Trends, Truth | 2 Comments »

Listen and draw nigh…

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 2, 2009



Actions always speak louder than words…watch what they do, not what they say.



Posted in Learn, Media, Think about it | 1 Comment »


Posted by TheCanvasGrey on November 3, 2008

“Who is the new president?” 

“Voting is tomorrow.”

“WHO is the NEW presadent, Mom?”

“We go vote tomorrow and after that we will know.”

“When are we going to know who ‘it’ is?”

“Maybe late tomorrow evening, after you are in bed.”

“I need to know who the new president is because voting is important.”

“Yes, it is very important.  That is why Daddy and I take you with us when we go.”


“We will know sometime on Wednesday, MAYBE.  That is all the information I can give you about when we will know who the new president will be, Young Son.”

“Well, I need to know who the new presadent is Mom.”

Ya know who this exchange reminded me of?  The media.

Posted in Children, Family, Humor, Kids, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Politicians, Politics, Think about it, Trends, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , | 5 Comments »

Helping Inclusion Work FOR You

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on July 16, 2008

I read quite a few blogs.  I am trying to listen and speak  when God leads and to this post on the Autism Blog I felt I must write this:

I’ve found that it isn’t the school district but the individual school that determines a successful outcome.  My son was in his fourth elementary school by the time he was in the last part of kindergarten (he started at age three). 

I’ve always tried to work with teachers who seemed willing but the truth always came out when they were unhappy about inclusion.  All the moving around did hurt us a bit financially but I KNOW it has served my son well.  He is now included and accepted by the staff (teachers WANT him in their class), the kids and the community.  **a tear of joy**  It also benefits by being involved with the school through activities, PTA and community/neighborhood functions. 

I feel I must speak to the confrontational method of pursuit.  Especially for those who are in smaller communities, this just IS NOT going to work and your child will suffer for it (even more than you think they already are).  So be kind, treat people as you want to be treated, try their plan first (if compromising doesn’t work) and if it doesn’t work for your child, be kind when you make strong suggestions (possibly backed by the doctor) as to what you’ve found that works for your child and ask for changes. Be involved with showing how something isn’t or is working but give issues time to resolve on their own unless immediately detrimental.  

Confrontational tactics should ALWAYS be the very last resort.  I say this because I come across so very many well meaning parents who’ve pushed and shoved (those are the kids I’ve seen suffer the most). 

By being kind, I’m always asked to be on committees, attend functions to represent special needs, etc.  You know, flies and honey…THAT is where the REAL differences are made…having input from the get go.

Early on I had one principal come out and tell me at an IEP meeting that I needed to put my son in a different school.  I thanked her, and I did, it was more than clear my son wasn’t going to get the support he needed there. I was thankful for her honesty, it was the best thing that ever happened to my son.

Posted in Appreciation, Autism, autistic spectrum, Awareness, Children, Family, Figuring it out, Hope, Kids, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Spirituality, thankfulness, Think about it, Truth | Tagged: , , , | 7 Comments »

Taking Action

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on June 7, 2008

I’ve had it up to my proverbial HERE!!!!!


Politicians and financial institutions are getting fired left and right, no bias here ;-D! 


I’m writing everyone about everything, the good, the bad and the ugly. 


That means people who’ve made a positive difference will be getting some good letters, emails and thank you notes.


The bad financial institutions will be getting a form of this:




Dear Sir or Madam:


We received cards on this account recently that were not activated and have been destroyed.  Please close this account and send us confirmation that it has been closed.


We do not want our information shared with any companies whether in or out of the affiliated/family of companies which are related or unrelated to your company, your financial institution or this retail card.


Thank you for your assistance in this matter.  If you have any questions please contact…


And last but not least; I’m resolved to make a difference by writing government officials at the local, state and national level. 

Join me by making your voice heard by taking the actions required to make a difference. 



Blogger buddies:  Thanks again for all your spiritual support.  I’m putting you in God’s cross-hairs in prayers too.  Hugs to all! Deb


Posted in Awareness, Life, Media, Politicians, Politics, Saving money, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , | 8 Comments »

Ignorance is bliss to those who profit by it!

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on May 12, 2008

The title of this post has been my mantra for awhile.  I’ve decided to change it and wanted to share some thoughts on what I’ve learned from my old mantra.  It is my desire to keep you from stumbling on some of these like I did.

My take on the infomercial people:  they are hoping that a few million people will purchase their product, gadget, book, etc. and at $19.99 to $39.99 a pop, they will become at least a millionaire.  Forget the money back guarantee or the life time guarantee…got a Ginsu Knife you want to get replaced?  Good luck!  The refund/warranty is only as good as long as the company stays in business.  The sellers are betting (with good odds) that your item will collect dust before you’d go to the trouble of sending it back for a refund/use a warranty.

Beware of half-truths, for instance one of the infomercials running of late has a woman selling her method/book on property something or other.  The paid interviewer states something about her best selling book…cough, gasp, wheeze…emphasis should be on HER because it is the only book she’s ever sold, of course it is HER best seller. 

Even when the company/person you think you’d like to deal with has a great reputation…CHECK IT OUT FOR YOURSELF!  Deal with people your friends and neighbors have dealt with AFTER you’ve ALSO read the fine print, checked with the Better Business Bureau (and read the next paragraph).  I’d also check the internet and watch out for multi-level marketing, there are tons of them and more starting everyday.  Nothing wrong with offering a product but when you are supposed to get more people to sell it than purchase it from you…BEWARE!

Watch out for the bait and switch.  It has become very popular, even among people of “reputation.”   We were baited and switched by a friend of a friend AND THE “FRIEND” KNEW; she didn’t want to say anything/be involved in the transaction between us.  HUH?  Note to self: don’t confuse the word acquaintance with the word friend, no matter how friendly.  

Actions will always speak louder than words.  Start looking for the actions that are in direct conflict of the words.  Words must be backed up by past and/or present action or the words are only a promise/dream.  Notice how the media tell you not to put yourself in any danger but if you can get video or a picture of that tornado passing over your head, send ‘er in!  Then they play the video over and over and over at nausea with a small credit at the bottom of the screen.  Yep, THEY are looking out for YOU!

Now more than ever it is BUYER BEWARE!

Posted in Awareness, Figuring it out, Grow, Hope, Learn, Life, Mary Kay, Mary Kay Business, Mary Kay Class, Mary Kay Director, Mary Kay Party, Mary Kay Story, Media, Shopping, Stress, Think about it, Trends, Truth | 3 Comments »


Posted by TheCanvasGrey on April 16, 2008

I just found a new favorite place!  Post was changed…so it isn’t your eyes, it was me.

 Okay, I admit it….I didn’t scroll down far enough or look hard enough…ick. 

I saw some Coexist stickers and “Ask your doctor if medical advise from a TV is right for you.”  

That one got my attention and funny bone.

I had no idea of the political slant at the bottom

I still love the thought of being a peacemonger.

Just not from that direction. 




Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Dreams, Figuring it out, Hope, Learn, Life, Links, Media, Politicians, Politics, prayer, Religion, Spirituality, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth | 2 Comments »

The Age of Autism

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on April 10, 2008


Nicole Beurkens the Director of Horizons Developmental Remediation Center in Michigan asked me to mention that during the month of April for every new person who signs up for a free newsletter at  her clinic will make a donation to a scholarship fund for parents who require financial assistance to access treatment. 

I do this as an informational service and to be helpful, not as a recommendation.

I DO NOT RECOMMEND any individual treatment, place, etc.  I do have links to a variety of autism websites for informational purposes. 

I think each child and family are unique and could benefit from any number of people, places and programs. 

I recommend:

     education, read as much as you can as quickly as you can about similar situations.

     early intervention if possible but it is NEVER too late!

     deep breathing, for you, your child, your family, it helps!

     at least a consultation with a neurodevelopmentalist.

     one way all the way isn’t necessarily THE way, try lots of things to see what works for YOU!

     read, reach out to others, use their experience to help yourself and your family (use ME)! 

This is by far my favorite definition of autism because I find it the truth.







 Above all, love is love is love.  Everyone has difficulties in life we can rejoice about them and how we are different or lament about it.  I ALWAYS choose to rejoice because I’m never bored, there is always something to do or learn.  Thank God!  I get to choose happiness!

Posted in Appreciation, Autism, autistic spectrum, Awareness, Children, Family, Girls, Health, Hope, Kids, Learn, Life, Links, Love, Media, Mom, Mother, Think about it | 9 Comments »

Mega Churches, What have they become?

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 27, 2008

Mega church, I used to think, was a place where some real people were worshiping God and helping each other understand how to make it in the world that we are IN but not OF. 

After all the commotion in the 1980s with the “mega” stars of church, scandals, backstabbing, (all of which I saw at a local level too) I was so turned off I left churches completely.  I retrieved into my spirit, looking to God to guide me. Yes, I did (still do) lean upon my own understanding with an open mind as to others thoughts and feelings on matters of the spirit and other things then I look to God to show me.  After all, HE knows me BEST. 

Milkinthecloset re-introduced me to what is going on in mega churches.  During Christmas I saw on TV a man defending why his mega church had such elaborate stage shows.  They explained that the shows raise millions and cost about one million to be put together.  Let’s call it as it is, these are Broadway shows with a religious twist.  People go to those churches so they or family can be on stage and use it for a resume. Okay, not ALL of them, some of them just want some entertainment in a religious setting.

It’s like, God isn’t big enough (have you seen the structure of a seed that grows into a huge tree, the Andromeda galaxy, your unique fingerprint?), we need to make Him “viable” to today’s “entertain me” world. 

Think the stage isn’t set?  Seems very easy for me to see His Son walking into a mega church saying the same thing He did more than 2000 years ago when He walked in a synagogue. 

Things that make me go hmm!

Call me a skeptic or maybe that just isn’t the life for me.  If and when I’m called back to a church I seriously doubt it will be a mega church.  But then again God may call me to be an undercover spy.

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Dreams, Family, Hope, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Religion, Spirituality | Tagged: , , , , , | 9 Comments »

Rhetoric Pushers, Hate Mongers, Spinmiesters…

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 24, 2008

yes and a happy day after Easter to you too!  😉

But then when is there a good time to bring up difficult dialogue, difficult questions or just thinking about what comes next… 

Recently I received an email entitled:  CAN MUSLIMS BE GOOD AMERICANS? 

Along with a message:

I have several Muslim friends, and they are calm, peaceful, rational people with good values and good hearts, and yes they are good citizens of the USA. The tone of this email that is getting passed around reminds me of the type of ignorant hate speech that was spread about Jewish people in Nazi Germany. To try and judge an entire society of people and say they are not worthy to be Americans is insane, and I cannot be quiet about that fact. People should be treated as individuals. A small percentage of Muslims are violent criminals just as a small percentage of Christians are violent criminals. That is not reason to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Thanks for reading.

and:I agree with you 100%! Actions speak louder than words. Good people do good things MOST of the time, evil people do evil things MOST of the time and those that do nothing are indifferent. Those of us with minds to think, ears to hear and eyes to see know what truth is and one should not be judged by all and all should not be judged by one. What if the tables were turned and because one person that looked like you did harm to many, would that also make you the same as that person? Timothy McVey ring a bell? Love is the answer, my friend and we will keep fighting for it till the end (to quote a song). Good people together in a good country doing the best we can together!  I am a champion of LOVE! Some people who “don’t look like me” took EXCELLENT care of me last year during my hospital stay.

I cannot nor will I judge others by what someone else does ……

unless they align themselves with that person and support harm to others….uh oh!!!!

Does this mean that the majority of Americans are evil because they voted Bush into office for a second term?  Did he have all the information about Iraq?  Where WE mislead?  Did “we the people” make a mistake and re-elect Bush for a second term?  Can we forgive ourselves because we didn’t have all the information? 

Are we REALLY informed or just guessing about what really runs “the world order”? 

Are we really the horrible people that THE MEDIA says that the rest of the WORLD says we are?  Why do they do business with us if we are so terrible?  Why do all these countries accept loans, grants, monies from us on a government, corporate and individual levels?

Even after all this thinking I am still left to finish a puzzle with the last piece… how does one defend against evil people (singular or multiple)?


clip from lastraindance04

Posted in Awareness, Figuring it out, Hope, Life, Love, Media, Religion, Spirituality, Stress, Think about it | Tagged: , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 7 Comments »

Why am I tired, sleepy, depressed, not feeling well?

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 14, 2008

Forgive me, I’ve been holding this piece for longer than I should have and I know it.   I’ve been gently nudged here and there and I’ve been lax.  I PRAY this reaches the person/people it is meant for because I am well over a two months in posting it. 

First I’m going to tell you I am NOT >>>>NOT>>>>NOT a doctor or nurse. 

I AM telling from my own experience and it is so others can recognize and ASK their doctor to check for this possibility for them.

I’m not going into a lot of boring details but I do want others to be aware of things I was not.  It took me several years of prescription drugs NOT working and one simple test to find out what was REALLY wrong with me.  I don’t understand how my doctors (several) could not have given me a simple test rather than shuffling me through ALL the depression drugs.   I do believe they were trying to help me, I do believe that they get so much pushed at them and in their desire to help they look to drugs maybe a little too often. 

Maybe because I had SYMPTOMS of depression.  So if you seem to have symptoms of depression please ALSO CHECK FOR ANEMIA OR LOW IRON!  
BloodCells in Artery


Many symptoms are the same as depression.   

Other reading:

What is Anemia?

About Anemia and low iron

Consumer Reports (November 2007)  Requip is for restless legs.  But did you know that low iron can cause this????  caffeine???  alcohol????  tobacco???  cold remedies??? even pregnancy??

photo by omghawt

Posted in Awareness, Figuring it out, Girls, Grow, Health, Kids, Learn, Media, Mom, Mother, Think about it, Truth, Women | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments »

The Truth about Women in Despair

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 12, 2008

I’ve come across another blog via Angie’s blog  named WomanHonorThyself.  Today, she made excellent observations about how downtrodden and depressed so many women are these days.   

As it fizzled in my brain I thought and commented:

It is hard to admit that we women don’t honor ourselves.  But is it easy to see when the evidence is pointed out so clearly.

I remember a commercial that defined/predicted the onslaught of depression in women:

“I can bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, and never let you forget you’re a man.  Cause I’m a woman!”

This is expected of us.  Latch-key kids weren’t included in that song…who the heck is raising the kids? 

Our society has been hypnotised by commercial personas that led/lead us to believe/desire what is dangled out in front of us as the “carrot” of life.  The essense of life is to have what the commercials tell us to have because it makes everyone so happy to have it. 

We can turn just about anything from one perspective to another making it sound so terrible or so great.  But the truth is the truth. 

NO ONE… NO ONE… NO ONE has it ALL.  There are some who would argue that statement.  But deep down we all know the TRUTH. 

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Children, Dad, Family, Father, Figuring it out, Girls, Grow, Hope, Kids, Learn, Life, Love, Media, Mom, Mother, Spirituality, Stay at Home Mom, Stress, thankfulness, Think about it, Trends, Truth, Women | Tagged: , , , , , , | 9 Comments »

Unlocking minds…which key fits?

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on March 10, 2008

Or does any one key fit anyone?  Are brain problems just neuro related or are they psycho related or a mixture of both?  How much of the environment plays into it?  The things we eat, drink, amount of exercise, fresh air, good and bad bacteria, inside, outside, upside down…it makes my head spin.  One thing is for sure, we, as humans, are in our infancy when learning about just one area and much less than our infancy as to how they intertwine, relate and what they need from each other to function in a healthy way.

But just for fun this site has some interesting tests for your brain

Posted in Appreciation, Autism, autistic spectrum, Awareness, Figuring it out, Grow, Health, Hope, Learn, Life, Links, Love, Media, thankfulness, Think about it | 2 Comments »

ABC, DISNEY, Jimmy Kimmel, Sarah Silverman, Hollywood, Sheep, Yucking it Up

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on February 28, 2008


Apparently, I have no sense of humor at all.  I’m sure people will think I’m a prude.  I’m not.  I’ve used vulgar language on occasion NOT as a regular old word to say in every sentence like the word “UM”.  I guess everyone wants to be a sailor these days or at least like the taste of potty mouth.  I guess for me the Jimmy Kimmel broadcast stepped over the line. 

I’m referring to the Sarah Silverman and Jimmy Kimmel use of ABC’s late night show to bring sophomoric humor to levels of Fucked-updom of speech (I don’t mean freedom of speech). 

I get the humor.  But this is nothing but shocking people into watching, shocking people into paying attention so they can get more money.  I call them SHOCKERITES!

During my generation we’ve gone from three TV channels to hundreds who continually need to bring in new revenue in a shrinking revenue market place.  So over the years the more a TV network revealed (up to the limit that the FCC would take) the edger, more “life like” and then they discovered that the shockers equaled more money.  You know sex, drugs and cussing…more money.

Late night had some taste about it when Johnny Carson was around (Letterman has this quality).  He was great at alluding to things and for heaven sake, isn’t that what makes it fun.  Let’s compare that to the fuck filled “sketch” done by Silverman and Kimmel.  I could have found it funny had they NOT said fuck every other word.  Why did they do it?  For SHOCK…they are SHOCKERITES.  Here, here, watch me, watch me, I’m “special” so come watch my show and wait for me to shock you again while I make more money. 

It has not been that long ago that one couldn’t say bitch, damn or bastard.  Fuck in all its glory will be coming soon to a TV near you without any cutesy sounds over it.  Full blown porno won’t be far behind, heck it is already here with splotches over it. 

I’m not like everyone else that seems to think this is a non-event.  I’m not impressed that all these Hollywood stars participated.  They are way too full of themselves NOT to appear on something like this.  Disney and ABC…you think they didn’t know that this was going to happen…of course they did…they had to approve it.  They were hoping that it would be the shocker of shockers that would bring more people to watch their late night show.  I’m hoping it will continue to be a non-event EXCEPT that people will quietly complain and take a stand against them where it HURTS…by not watching, not patronizing, taking their money away from them…apparently that is the only thing that means anything to “them” (or should I say us, a question for another time).

ABC was the last regular network that I watched regularly.  They’ve lost me and consequently my entire household.  The Disney trip we were planning for has been shelved.  There are lots of other parks to go to.  There are plenty of decent cable networks to watch with education, travel, science and more.  We have nature in all its glory, sports, books, art, music, board games, cards, writing, drawing, the internet, gaming systems and our endless imaginations to use instead of the tube.  

I’ve decided I’m tired of pandering, of turning a blind eye to it, of throwing my hands up into the air and saying oh well, what can I do about it.  So…I actually filed my first FCC complaint about it.  At some point I have to take a stand.  If we don’t stand for something we’ll fall for anything as the old saying goes.  The media doesn’t own my moral compass.

I’m tired of media people who think they are so above everyone.  I’m tired of the watch me, watch me junk.  I’m tired of being a sheep herded to where ever they tell us to go or how to live or what medicines to take or who is so wonderful by awarding themselves stuff on an awards show designed to make money for themselves and their cohorts.

I’m done with the Shockerites, the desperate way in which they try to hang on to our eyes, ears, but mostly our purse strings. 

If the line in the sand isn’t drawn, what is next?  Anarchy anyone, anyone?  Is there anyone to stand up for morals and ethics or boundaries or limitations? 

When is the line drawn in the sand for YOU?

I’m really DONE now!  😉

PS.  Apparently Disney keeps tabs of when they are discussed as someone dropped by to read this and my About page.  I hope they are listening and they realize that there are more than a few people out there like me.  I just happened to take action and then tell about it.  The silent majority needs to be less silent. 

Posted in Awareness, Figuring it out, Hope, Humor, Learn, Life, Media, Think about it, Trends | Tagged: , , , , , | 8 Comments »

Advertisement, For Sale: Commercials, have you noticed?

Posted by TheCanvasGrey on February 13, 2008

Have you noticed the commercials lately? 

Hyundai their new mantra:   Rethink EVERYTHING

Dove   Campaign for REAL beauty, thank you DOVE!

Vaseline Intensive Care  You must see this, it is amazing! I love this type of art.  I tried to find the hands advertising campaign but found this instead.

There is a new one that I just caught a glimpse of recently but I can’t remember the product.  It was different parts of bodies that were of every age and color.  Real bodies with moles and wrinkles…I am amazed!  Tylenol is the product.

Just think of it, everyday people, how we really look, how we really feel…it is amazing!  I’ve never experienced this in my lifetime.  All the images in advertising have been telling me what I should be, what I should want, what I MUST HAVE…

Deprogramming feels good! 


Lest we beware that they are still trying to get our attention, still advertising a product but thankfully from OUR perspective instead of what “they” think we should be!

Posted in Appreciation, Awareness, Hope, Learn, Life, Links, Media, Think about it, Truth | Tagged: , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments »